Key findings from PwC's 10th Global Family Business Survey transcript

Family businesses make up more than half the world’s GDP. They are engines of growth and recovery in times of great challenge.

Our 10th Global Family Business Survey confirms their resilience, financial strength, and optimism—but also reveals new challenges. Our survey and deep dives showed that most family businesses are failing to follow through on their sustainability commitments; they are struggling to close the digital gap, and on the home front, they still have difficulty navigating family dynamics, even as they focus on getting succession right. This matters. Family businesses with strong governance perform better.

So, our message to you is clear: 

The world is looking to you to help rebuild—not only the economy, but also public trust. This means harnessing your strengths, rediscovering your entrepreneurial roots, engaging the next generation, and asking for outside help so you can see—and address—your blind spots. The time is now. To secure your legacy for the future; align profit with purpose; and make your work even more meaningful. Let’s begin.

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Jürgen Kreindl

Jürgen Kreindl

Director, Entrepreneurship & Corporate Venture Capital (CVC), PwC Austria

Tel: +43 699 163 056 04
