Initial coin offerings

Legal Frameworks and regulation for ICOs

What are ICOs?

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) are a means of raising capital using the blockchain technology. On the side of the issuer, the collected funds are typically used to finance a project (e.g. the building of a software).

In exchange for the financing, the investor receives a token which may be connected with the right to receive, e.g. a dividend, a voting right, a license, a property right or a right to participate in the future performance of the issuer.

How are ICOs usually structured?

How are ICOs usually structured?

What is the timeline of an ICO?

What is the timeline of an ICO?

What are the key challenges of an ICO?



PwC Global ICO Compass

Treatment of ICOs worldwide

How PwC can support

  • Regulatory strategy and advise for all relevant regulations
  • Compliance, KYC and AML support, incl. turnkey-solutions for digital client on-boarding or industry utilities
  • Facilitation & support on interactions with regulators (Switzerland and all international jurisdictions)
  • End-to-end services in obtaining written approval on regulatory treatment from regulators (e.g. no action letter, licences)

Our experts

Dr. Jean-Claude Spillmann

Partner, Head Asset & Wealth Management and Banking Regulatory, Legal, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 43 94


Jessica Merola

Senior, Legal, Zürich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 2221


  • Presale and public sale strategy, incl. ICO marketing advisory
  • Pricing of ICO, valuation of token utility and business model
  • Sale characteristics
  • Fundraising with institutional investors

Our experts

Christoph Baertz

Partner, Leader Financial Services Deals, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 79 598 71 83


Adrian Heuermann

Director, Deals Financial Services, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 1517


  • Risk management and assurance services and solutions for all relevant risk categories
  • Cybersecurity strategy and services, incl. Forensics in fraud or malicious attacks
  • Finance advise and audit/assurance services (incl. full/ partial audits based on legal requirements)

Our experts

Adrian Keller

Partner and Leader Audit for Blockchain, Zurich, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 23 09


  • Design of overall ICO strategy, incl. coordination of different teams (project management)
  • Design and review of token economics, detailed analysis of usage and functionality
  • Timing of ICO, detailed analysis of the market situation

Our experts

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  • Web Agency services (end-to-end), incl. UX design, coding, services, maintenance
  • Data & analytics services, incl. AI/ML, Quant, Algorithms
  • Technical support, coding Blockchain-as-a-Service, integrated technology solutions

Our experts

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  • Business registry and set-up, incl. complex legal entity structures, trusts, cross-border business
  • Corporate governance & corporate actions, incl. contracts, by-laws and statutory requirements
  • Support and counsel in litigations and intermediation of disputes
  • Tax structuring and advise (cantonal, federal, international) for all relevant tax categories

Our experts

Markus Anderrüthi

Partner, Tax & Legal Services, PwC Switzerland

+41 58 792 68 81



Dieter Harreither

Dieter Harreither

Partner, Leiter Technology Consulting, PwC Austria

Tel: +43 676 833 771 110

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