Tax Reporting and Strategy, Tax Technology

Tax is increasingly becoming a strategic issue for companies.

Organisations need to bridge the gap between their current resources and the tax landscape of tomorrow. Our experts provide advice and accompany you as you prepare your tax affairs for the future.

New environment, new challenges

At present, many tax departments are not equipped to face tomorrow’s challenges. They need to adapt to the new environment to keep pace with the changes ahead. 

The Tax Technology team supports you to optimise your tax strategy and processes, to ensure that the tax department can make a strategic contribution to reaching your company’s goals in the future.

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Künstliche Intelligenz im Steuer- und Rechnungswesen

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist bereits weiter verbreitet, als vielen bewusst ist. Doch was steckt dahinter und wie lässt sich KI auch im Steuer- und Rechnungswesen sinnvoll einsetzen?

Artificial intelligence innovation in accounting

Our services

Business meeting für die Planung von Digital Upskilling

Digital upskilling

Innovation does not only begin with technology, but also with people who take action. On the European level, PwC has developed the Data Analytics Academy. We teach you how to use new technologies within your business and optimise your processes using various tools. You learn what you need to consider when implementing data analysis, visualisation, AI, and automation within your company to achieve long-term increases in efficiency.

Are you looking to develop your digital skills? Find further information here.

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Junger Mann mit Virtual Reality Brille

Rapid prototyping

Are you unsure about which technology solution you should introduce or develop? In this case, we can help you with our rapid proof of concept (PoC) solutions. Within a short time, we evaluate the feasibility of solutions (rapid prototyping) and make recommendations about which solutions (internal or external) are profitable or viable.

We will develop initial prototypes, which are tailored to your problems, and support you to implement these in your company’s systems.

Großräumiges Shared Office in einem modernen Bürogebäude

Tax organisation

Are you currently restructuring your tax department? Are you considering employing new staff or expanding skill sets? We would be glad to hold a joint discussion to evaluate which digital tax strategy would be best suited to your company and which individuals with which skills are able to help you.

Junger Unternehmer präsentiert einen Prototypen

Innovation workshops

In our innovation workshops, we provide an overview of digital ways of thinking and working within tax departments. We provide information on the latest technologies and how they can be used, and sketch specific problems and solutions for your company.

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young Professional mit Smarphone

Tax audit support

PwC’s digital audit experts support you to extract and prepare the correct data and make it available in the required format. Why wait until the tax auditors are knocking at the door? We would be glad to examine your data using the latest methods and ensure that there will be no surprises if a tax audit is announced.

Junger Mann in einem Business Meeting

Process consulting and automation

We support you to design your tax processes in an optimal way using automated tools including robotics. The use of such tools can improve your existing processes and increase efficiency.

junge Frau sitzt in einem Vortrag zu Business Themen

Data analysis

Do you ever ask what story your tax or accounting data tells? Would you like to have relevant information quickly and easily accessible?

We prepare your data for further processing and, working together with you, we determine which information and checks you would like to have available at all times. We set up personalised dashboards which provide an instant overview of the most important information. This gives you greater control over your data and leads to time savings when you evaluate your reports.

junge Mitarbeiter in einem modernen shared office

ERP reviews

Which tax treatment a system recommends depends on the relevant settings. Due to complex and constantly changing legislation and the need to have flexible business models and processes, it is easy to lose track of the available data and thus difficult to stay up to date. Errors in system settings can remain undetected for years and can lead to large corrective payments. The tax authorities are aware of this problem and are increasingly focusing on system analyses and IT-based checks.

Tablet mit Dashboard zur Datenanalyse

Tax tool implementation

Are you planning to acquire a new software tool for your company/group? Do you feel unsure about which solution to choose? Have you already chosen a solution, but you haven’t got it up and running? Our experts can provide advice and practical support and can help you choose a solution that meets your needs. We would also be glad to help you during implementation.

Young Professionals diskutieren in einem modernen Konferenzraum


Would you like to use less paper in your tax or accounting department? Are you considering no longer printing out invoices and archiving them digitally? Are you no longer sure which documents can be electronically archived? We can help. We would be glad to hold joint workshops to identify the existing documents and processes, and to jointly evaluate which documents you can store electronically.

zwei Frauen betrachten Informationen auf einem großen Bildschirm

Tax internal controls

We provide support in the standardisation of your tax-relevant processes and offer you everything you need to successfully implement an internal control system in your tax department.

mehrere Stapel von Unterlagen aus der Buchhaltung und Steuerabteilung

Tax reporting

We provide information about the range of tax reporting options and work together with you to design user-friendly, intuitive, and tailored solutions for your company.


Unser Integrated Global Compliance Center (IGCS) ist eine globale Monitoring-, Reporting- und Status-Tracking Plattform, um Ihre Anforderungen an das Management der unterschiedlichen Steuer- und Rechnungslegungsvorschriften aller Länder Ihrer Gruppe zu erfüllen. Das IGCS erleichtert den Informationsaustausch mithilfe von Workflows und direkter Online-Interaktion für ein durchgängiges Compliance-Management. So können Sie sich jederzeit einen Überblick verschaffen, wie z.B. der Status der Jahresabschlüsse oder der Stand der Steuererklärung/Steuerveranlagung ist.


Through the combination of four key factors – tax, processes, people, and technology – we aim to achieve optimal solutions to your problems:

Piktogramm mit Linien und Lupen


Tax issues play an important role in every company. Through our many years of expertise and our extensive know-how in this area, we can provide optimal advice and develop innovative solutions to your tax challenges.

Piktogramm mit Umriss eines Menschen


To successfully implement projects, you need staff with the right attitude and skills. The tax technology team brings together tax experts, data analysts and programmers. Through diversity and teamwork, we can offer you the most added value. After all, innovation is not driven by technology, but by people.

Piktogramm mit zwei Zahnrädern


“Being digital” in the tax department does not only mean implementing technology, but developing new, optimised processes. PwC Austria aims to work flexibly when dealing with process strategies, to achieve the highest level of automation, and constantly make improvements.

Piktogramm mit Linien und Kreisen


Artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, and more. The tax technology team specialises in the use of new technologies in tax and accounting. We support you to implement new tools, programmes, and technology solutions, as well as creating corresponding digital skills in your team.


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Contact us

Gerald Dipplinger

Gerald Dipplinger

Partner, PwC Austria

Tel: +43 676 833 773 648