Finished Vehicle Logistics

Finished Vehicle Logistics (FVL)
Cost Index

We are pleased to publish the first European Finished Vehicle Logistics (FVL) Cost Index. The Association of European Vehicle Logistics (ECG), in collaboration with PwC Austria Advisory Services GmbH, hereinafter referred to as PwC Austria, has developed a cost index for the FVL industry to provide transparency on industry-specific cost developments. This European index is differentiated into the four logistics segments road, sea, rail, and compounds, across a representative selection of European markets.

The independently developed index is the latest instrument added to the ECG toolbox accessible to all players involved in the FVL industry. In this study, the index values for 2023 as well as selected qualitative insights into our research are depicted. Should you have any questions on the FVL Cost Index, please feel free to contact the PwC Austria project team via the contact form below or the ECG secretariat. 

'A Finished Vehicle Logistics Cost Index compliant with antitrust laws, which is quality assured, could facilitate the development of a standard for the wider logistics industry in Europe.'

Agatha Kalandra, Partner & Executive Board Member of PwC Austria

'A Finished Vehicle Logistics Cost Index compliant with antitrust laws, which is quality assured, could facilitate the development of a standard for the wider logistics industry in Europe.'

Agatha Kalandra, Partner & Executive Board Member of PwC Austria

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Nicole Hackl

Senior Manager, Head of Portfolio & Programme Management (PPM), PwC Austria

+43 699 163 059 30


Contact us

Agatha Kalandra

Agatha Kalandra

Partnerin, Leiterin Clients & Markets, PwC Austria

Tel: +43 664 183 08 73

Matthias Riveiro

Matthias Riveiro

Partner, Customer Practice, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 25665932