Virtual Reality in Real Estate

Virtual Reality is promising for businesses

Virtual Reality (VR) is a digital simulation of a 3D picture or an specific, framed environment. Users can interact with VR models intuitively in a realistic way. VR is designed for immersive user experiences and requires appropriate equipment, usually high-tech glasses or helmets.

By immersing the user in a virtual three-dimensional environment, spatial data of buildings or products is made tangible. Although virtual reality is often associated with games and entertainment, and has its origins here as well, VR applications are also very promising for businesses today. Already in the early 80s, VR headsets were used  in the entertainment industry. However, since the technology was far from mature stage, the technology disappeared from the stage for a long time. Only with the mobile computing power available today, appropriate graphics cards and 3-D image data from cameras and scanners, the hype is being regained.

In the real estate sector, virtual reality is particularly useful in the construction industry. The virtual construction site does not need physical plans and drawings for architectural and technical purposes.

You can use VR to edit, reduce, enlarge and experience objects in all directions in a virtual model. Even for brokers, the use of technology can bring great benefits. The prospect no longer has to visit the property on-site, but can do so at any time and from any location - if the necessary equipment is available, which is generally manageable with a small gadget for the smartphone.

Through virtual reality, there is the opportunity in the corporate context to conduct risk-free testings of new developments. The use of this technology is much cheaper than to develop and then constantly adapt real applications. Facilitating VR, companies have unprecedented flexibility in development processes. However, a look in the field of virtual reality poses risks such as user privacy, hardware and data security, which should all be considered. In addition, the technology faces the challenge that the processing of 3-D content is highly complex and thus cannot be applied without expert advise.




ALLVR controls visual communication in the design and engineering area by automatically creating virtual environments based on planning data such as BIM. With the cloud solution, it is possible to connect architects, project developers, engineers and managers to a virtual meeting for real-time collaboration with the current planning.


Spectando is a computer vision company that has developed technology to extract accurate floor plans and photorealistic 3D models of virtual tours. No fancy equipment required - the tours can be created with your mobile phone camera via app and shared in various ways, such as QR codes or social media.


NavVis continues to push the boundaries of digital mapping. The company's revolutionary digital indoor products are used by the world's leading automotive, construction, real estate, logistics and insurance companies.


Platform for real estate agents to create compelling VR walkthroughs in under ten minutes, and a marketplace for buyers to view them all in one place with a consistent easy to use interface.

Contact us

Bernadette Fellner

Bernadette Fellner

Head of Digital Real Estate, PwC Austria

Tel: +43 660 1924 661